Our Pilotings
To know how to implement Dialogic Media Literacy Gatherings (DMLGs) (Tertulias Dialógicas de Alfabetización Mediática) to combat disinformation in adult education and for educators to know how to counteract disinformation in the same area, this project is implementing a Toolkit including a methodology, a curriculum and a piloting course.
In this page you will have a chance to see some of the pictures and read some of the statements of the participants in our pilotings.
- 44 Participants
- 9 Volunteers
- 5 trainers
Duration and Place
- 64 hours
- Spain, Italy and Romania
Target Group
- +55 years old
- Unemployed
- Adults with low educational level
Key insights from our Pilotings

Piloting of Dialogic Media Literacy: Empowering Seniors from Spain, Italy, and Romania
A series of pilot programs were conducted to explore the efficacy of Dialogic Media Literacy among seniors from Spain, Italy, and Romania. These pilot sessions implemented the innovative methodology of Dialogic Media Literacy Gathering and Interactive Groups, both of which are integral components of Successful Educational Actions (SEAs).
The initial phase of the program was dedicated to equipping participants with essential digital and media literacy skills, empowering them to navigate the online world with confidence. Participants learned the fundamentals of using digital tools and effectively surfing the internet, ensuring they were well-equipped to engage with online content.
The second phase of the course offered participants the opportunity to choose a topic of personal interest. One notable theme that emerged was immigration and racism, a topic that struck a chord with the participants. They were tasked with researching and gathering information from a diverse range of sources such as Adhayayana, Sappho, Scientific Research Papers, and Social Movements reports. Subsequently, they presented their findings to the rest of the groups, fostering a collaborative learning environment.
An integral aspect of the pilot program was the implementation of Dialogic Gatherings, which took place during the final hour of each session. To facilitate this activity, participants were assigned a thought-provoking text agreed upon by the entire class. They were encouraged to read the text at home and select a particularly intriguing phrase or paragraph. During the subsequent session, participants shared their chosen excerpt and engaged in lively discussions with their peers, generating a deeper understanding of the material.
As the pilot programs drew to a close, participants expressed their appreciation for the course, emphasizing its value in their personal and private lives. They lauded the practicality, relevance, and customization options provided by the project’s curriculum and educational resources. These valuable resources were deemed highly adaptable and readily applicable to any group of adults seeking to acquire new digital skills to combat the pervasive disinformation propagated through the internet.
The success of these pilot programs highlights the potential of Dialogic Media Literacy in empowering seniors to navigate the digital landscape effectively. By equipping them with critical media literacy skills and encouraging active engagement, these initiatives offer a pathway for older individuals to combat misinformation and actively contribute to the digital realm.