Our Curriculum
To know how to implement Dialogic Media Literacy Gatherings (DMLGs) (Tertulias Dialógicas de Alfabetización Mediática) to combat disinformation in adult education and for educators to know how to counteract disinformation in the same area, this project is implementing a Toolkit including a methodology, a curriculum and a piloting course.
In this page you will have a chance to navigate our curriculum, which is developed from the content-specific dialogic media literacy program needed to tackle disinformation in adult education, including concrete activities with usable materials for implementation. Join us as we find ways to train vulnerable adults in competences needed for a critical and active digital citizenship participation.

Navigate our Curriculum
Our Curriculum Structure
The activities conducted within the framework of this project were based on two different methods: Interactive groups, and Dialogic gatherings. We have organised below, all the activities carried out during the pilot course, in three categories/ topics: Create a Google mail account/navigate in the Google platform, Learn how to search for information online and carry Dialogical Gatherings.
Our Example
Our approach towards creating curricula that are aiming at personalized and dialogic learning paths had to be really flexible and personalised. Below we have structured an eclectic example based on the pilotings carried out by each of the piloting partners, Agora in Spain, GIE in Romania and VMCS in Italy
Our Curriculum Structure: Organised in three topics
What and how will we learn?
Digital competences | Activities | Successful Educational Action |
2.1 Interacting through digital technologies
2.2 Sharing information and content through digital technologies
2.6 Managing digital identity |
| Interactive groups |
4.2 Protecting personal data and privacy |
| Interactive groups |
How will we structure the activity?
Before the class/ The set-up |
During the class/ The lesson | 1st Part of the session:
2nd Part of the session:
After the class/ The closing |
What and how will we learn?
Digital competences | Activities | Successful Educational Action |
1.1 Browsing, searching, and filtering information/data/digital content |
| Interactive groups |
How will we structure the activity?
Before the class/ The set-up |
During the class/ The lesson | 1st part of the session:
2nd part of the session:
After the class/ The closing |
What and how will we learn?
Digital competences | Activities | Successful Educational Action |
1.2 Evaluating data/information/digital content |
| Dialogic Media Literacy Gathering
How will we structure the activity?
Before the class/ The set-up |
During the class/ The lesson |
After the class/ The closing |
The DesinfoEND example
- 1: Digital Literacy activities
- 2: Media Literacy activities
- 3: Promoting Critical Thinking activities
Activity 1 | |
Title | Introduction |
Country of implementation | Romania |
Objectives | The main objective of this session is to support learners to obtain information about the DesinfoEND project and to acquire basic knowledge & skills about the Internet: definition of Internet; access and necessary devices; how do we communicate through Internet; what we use Internet for. |
Duration | 4 hours. |
Material Used | Computers, projector, internet connection, notepads, pens. |
Activity 2 | |
Title | Using G-mail |
Country of implementation | Spain |
Objectives | To learn how to navigate the G-mail platform and its main functions. Participants will practice to write and send e-mails, by working in pairs, working in Interactive Groups. |
Duration | Theoretical explanation: 1 hour and 30 minutes. Practical activity: 1 hour and 30 minutes. |
Material Used | Computers, projector, internet connection, notepads, pens. |
Activity 3 | |
Title | Google drive |
Country of implementation | Romania |
Objectives | Learn how to use Google Drive and get to know its main functions. The activity will focus on creating a Word document and downloading it to the computer. At the same time, participants will have to work in groups from a shared document that will allow them to put into practice the theoretical contents learned in the session. |
Duration | 4 hours. |
Material Used | Computers, projector, internet connection, notepads, pens. |
Activity 4 | |
Title | EU Digital Identity |
Country of implementation | Romania |
Objectives | Learners will be able to understand what the EU digital identity is, how it works, and its potential benefits and risks. Learners will also be able to explore the impact of the EU digital identity on their privacy and data protection rights. |
Duration | 2 hours |
Material Used | Computers, projector, internet connection, notepad, pens. |
Activity 5 | |
Title | Security |
Country of implementation | Spain |
Objectives | Learn how to avoid virus/malware, learn about the function of cookies, and security e-mails. Participants will learn how to look for information considering security measures. |
Duration | Theoretical explanation: 1 hour and 30 minutes. Practical activity: 1 hour and 30 minutes. |
Material Used | Computers, projector, internet connection, notepads, pens. |
Activity 6 | |
Title | Collaboration and Social Media Applications |
Country of implementation | Romania |
Objectives | Learners will be able to understand the role of collaboration in social media applications, identify and analyze examples of collaborative features in different social media platforms, and evaluate the benefits and risks of collaborating through social media. |
Duration | 4 hours. |
Material Used | Computers, projector, internet connection, notepad, pens |
Activity 7 | |
Title | Online Translators |
Country of implementation | Italy |
Objectives | Learn how to use online translators and their main functions, such as Google translate and Deepl. Participants will practice to translate an article, used in a previous session, from English to Spanish. |
Duration | Theoretical explanation: 1 hour and 30 minutes. Practical activity: 1 hour and 30 minutes. |
Material Used | Computers, projector, internet connection, notepad, pens |
Activity 8 | |
Title | Getting information online |
Country of implementation | Italy |
Objectives | Train participants on how to search for information and news on the web. Explain how to conduct searches using search engines: keywords, web tools available, and how to conduct more in-depth research. Additionally, introduce the most reliable websites, with a particular focus on how to detect disinformation. |
Duration | Theoretical explanation: 2 hours Practical activity: 2 hours. |
Material Used | Computers, projector, internet connection, notepad, pens. |
Activity 9 | |
Title | Adhyayana and Sappho |
Country of implementation | Spain |
Objectives | Get to know and learn how to navigate in the knowledge access platforms of Sappho and Adhyayana. Learn how to share evidence-based content with other users of the platforms. |
Duration | Theoretical explanation: 1 hour and 30 minutes. Practical activity: 1 hour and 30 minutes. |
Material Used | Computers, projector, internet connection, notepads, pens. |
Activity 10 | |
Title | Dialogic Pictorical Gathering |
Country of implementation | Spain |
Objectives | Promote critical thinking through a critical reading of images based on contrasted information. Co-creation of knowledge between participants and volunteers. |
Duration | Theoretical explanation: 1 hour and 30 minutes. Practical activity: 1 hour and 30 minutes. |
Material Used | Computers, projector, internet connection, notepads, pens. |
Activity 11 | |
Title | Dialogic Scientific Gathering: Global Conflicts and Human Rights |
Country of implementation | Italy |
Objectives | Participants will learn about the major global conflicts. They will develop their critical thinking skills and gain a more informed perspective on global conflicts. Identifying reasons and causes of various conflicts and understanding conflict dynamics. Learners will acquire knowledge about human rights and demonstrate increased engagement by actively participating in society. |
Duration | Theoretical explanation: 2 hours Dialogic Scientific Gathering: 2 hours. |
Material Used | Computers, projector, internet connection, notepad, pens |
When designing our curriculum we used important insights from the DigComp Framework of the European Commission. To tackle disinformation, it is important to know the Digital competences that are based on DigComp, which offers a tool to track each citizen’s digital competences and eventually proceed with an upskilling. It can be useful in several different situations and opportunities, both for personal and professional development.